South Seattle Partner Spotlight: ECOSS “We specialize in multicultural outreach.” Those were Ruben Chi Bertoni’s first words when he introduced us to the work of ECOSS. Quick to follow was this impressive statistic: there are 15 languages currently represented on the...
University of Washington Center for Urban Horticulture 2018 Urban Forest Symposium The 2018 Urban Forest Symposium brought together a diverse range of practitioners and thought leaders to discuss and share pertinent information regarding trees in our urban areas. The...
Partner Spotlight: Stewardship Partners By Camilo McConnell Every month or so, City Habitats will put a spotlight on the work of one of our partner organizations that has exemplified truly innovative and inclusive projects toward implementing green stormwater...
Kingfisher Reach Hyporheic Zone By Camilo McConnell The expansion of urban areas around the world has increased the number of impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, roofs, and roads. When it rains and the resulting stormwater hits the ground, these impervious surfaces...
City Nature Challenge 2018 By Katie Remine, Woodland Park Zoo What are the most common species in cities across the globe? What species of plants and animals do we have in the Seattle metropolitan area that aren’t found anywhere else in the world? Woodland Park Zoo...