Welcome to your City Habitats toolkit.

Here are some resources to help you bring nature into your habitat. Whether you’re a curious passerby, a stormwater expert or anything in between, we’ve got tools to help (de)pave the way!

Puget Sound Starts Here: Captain Coho & the Salmonmobile

Interactive and kid friendly worksheet talking about the effects of stormwater on salmon.

Seattle Rainwise Program: Managing Stormwater at Home

Various resources on how to build a rain garden, educational material, and rebates.

King County: Native Plant Guide

List of native plants to use for landscaping projects.

The Nature Conservancy, Modifiable Siting High-Impact Stormwater Infrastructure SOW Template

This template is intended for a user to download and modify with their project needs and constraints to efficiently site high-impact stormwater infrastructure.

Stormwater Quality in Puget Sound

A report outlining stormwater impacts and solutions in reviewed literature.

King County: Puget Sound Shoreline Stewardship

Guide to protecting waterbodies for homeowners located near shorelines.

The Nature Conservancy: Solving Stormwater Video

Video laying out how salmon are affected by stormwater runoff and the benefits of green infrastructure.

12,000 Rain Gardens: Green Infrastructure Incentives in Puget Sound

List of incentive programs throughout Puget Sound for rain gardens and other green infrastructure.

International Living Future Institute: Water Policy

Extensive policy prescriptions for water management policy in the Puget Sound.

WaterWorks Grant Program

Water grant program for organizations in King County.

The Nature Conservancy: Green Stormwater Infrastructure Jurisdictional Retrofit Guide

A comprehensive alignment of plans and policies to support Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) retrofits.

King County: Rainwater Harvesting for Outdoor Use

Information on how to harvest rainwater and use it for outdoor purposes.

EPA: Nonpoint Source Pollution

EPA dashboard with information on nonpoint source pollution like stormwater.

EPA: Green Infrastructure In Parks

This guide is intended to encourage partnerships between park agencies and stormwater agencies aimed at promoting the use of green infrastructure on park lands.

The Nature Conservancy, Siting High-Impact Stormwater Infrastructure SOW Template w/Examples

This SOW Template walks a user through each task to efficiently site high-impact stormwater infrastructure while providing useful example deliverables.

The Nature Conservancy, Case Studies in Siting High-Impact Stormwater Infrastructure

This report demonstrates how to use the Siting Stormwater Infrastructure SOW template to evaluate watersheds and identify ideal project sites.

Seattle Public Utilities: Right Place, Right Project

Guide to the importance of green stormwater infrastructure in Seattle.

EPA: Green Infrastructure Technical Assistance Projects

This report summarizes practical, successful solutions to inspire city managers, community leaders and engaged citizens who want to implement green infrastructure.

The Nature Conservancy: Cascading Benefits Report

Report laying out the health benefits of green infrastructure in cities.

EPA: Green Infrastructure

EPA dashboard with general information on green infrastructure and its benefits.

King County: “Yard Talk” Episodes

King County TV show that talks about different ways of maintaining your garden and yard.

Saving Water Partnership: Rebates

List of rebate programs for the Seattle/Puget Sound area.

The Nature Conservancy: Outside Our Doors Report

Report laying out the health benefits of having nearby nature in cities.

EPA: Learn About Green Streets

EPA dashboard with information on streets with green infrastructure.

Rainwise Incentive Program

Main page to navigate the various resources and rebates provided by Rainwise.

Habitat Network

Social science green infrastructure mapping program from The Nature Conservancy and Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

City Habitats: Turn the Tide on Community Runoff

Educational piece for elementary school students about stormwater runoff and raingardens.

The Nature Conservancy: Urban Tree Canopy Assessment Toolkit

Resources to support management of a healthy urban canopy in Central Puget Sound and a model for other regions.

Washington Environmental Council: Polluted Puddles Video

Educational video for all ages on stormwater runoff pollution.

12,000 Rain Gardens: How to Build a Rain Garden

Compiled list with resources on how to build rain gardens, rebate programs, and general education.

Fuera de Nuestras Puertas

The Spanish version of our Outside Our Doors publication.

Washington State University: Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington

Extensive how-to on building rain gardens specific to Western Washington.

The Nature Conservancy: Retrofitting Our Legacy

This paper proposes strategies for cities and counties to ramp-up their use of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) and other nature-based solutions to treat road runoff.

Willamette Partnerships: Working with the Market

Economic instruments and policy for financing green stormwater infrastructure projects.

EPA: Green Infrastructure Financing Options

Financing Options and Resources for Local Decision-Makers.

The Nature Conservancy: Clean Water Under the Bridge

A video highlighting the opportunity to clean polluted stormwater flowing off of roads and bridges.

The Power of Trees